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W pierwszym akapicie należy podać krótki opis działania polecenia. Opis może odnosić się do innych stołów roboczych, takich jak . Szkicownik. (Uwaga edytora: Obraz ma 24px, a nie 16px)
Pamiętaj, aby używać Template:Version, Template:VersionMinus, Template:VersionPlus i Template:Obsolete w stosownych przypadkach.
Na przykład: Funkcja App::Link
(introduced in version 0.19) umożliwia łączenie między złożeniami podrzędnymi itp...
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Grupa właściwości
): Opis właściwości. (Uwaga edytora: aby znaleźć PropertyType
wybierz Wyświetl wszystko w menu kontekstowym Edytora własciwości. Podpowiedź każdej właściwości będzie zawierać te informacje. Ale PropertyType
można również znaleźć w kodzie źródłowym).
Grupa właściwości
): Opis właściwości.
Zobacz również stronę: Dokumentacja API generowana automatycznie oraz Podstawy pisania skryptów dla FreeCAD.
Narzędzie Przykład polecenia GUI może być używane w makrodefinicjach i z konsoli Python za pomocą następujących funkcji:
Object = makeExampleCommandModel(Data1, Data2)
używając Data1
i Data2
import FreeCAD, Base
Model = Base.makeExampleCommandModel(FreeCAD.Data1, FreeCAD.Data2)
<languages/> {{UnfinishedDocu}} <translate> {{Docnav |[[Base_PreviousCommand|PreviousCommand]] |[[Base_NextCommand|NextCommand]] |[[Workbench_Name|Workbench]] |IconL= <!--filename of icon with extension (e.g. svg, png)--> |IconR= <!--filename of icon with extension (e.g. svg, png)--> |IconC= <!--filename of icon with extension (e.g. svg, png)--> }} {{GuiCommand |Name=Base ExampleCommandModel |Icon= <!--filename of icon with extension (e.g. svg, png) if not the same name as command--> |MenuLocation=Menu → Submenu → Menu text for the command |Workbenches=[[Workbench_Name|Workbench]] |Shortcut={{KEY|F}} {{KEY|C}} |Version=0.19 |SeeAlso= <!--add links to similar commands and related pages--> }} == Description == While the page is under construction, add the [[Template:UnfinishedDocu]] template at the top of the page by simply typing: '''{{UnfinishedDocu}}''' In this first paragraph give a short description of what the command does. The description can refer to other workbenches such as the [[Image:Workbench_Sketcher.svg|24px]] [[Sketcher_Workbench|Sketcher Workbench]]. (''Editor note:'' The image is 24px, not 16px) Remember to use [[Template:Version]], [[Template:VersionMinus]], [[Template:VersionPlus]] and [[Template:Obsolete]] when applicable. For example: The {{incode|App::Link}} feature ({{Version|0.19}}) allows linking between sub-assemblies etc... Add an image if possible, and please follow the guidelines in [[WikiPages#Graphics|WikiPages]]. Example taken from [[Part_Sweep|Part Sweep]]: </translate> [[Image:Part_Sweep_simple.png|none]] <translate> {{Caption|Optional: add a caption below the image to explain what the tool does}} Closing and opening translate tags should surround images, and other fixed elements, if they don't need to be translated. The caption should always be translated. == Usage == # There are several ways to invoke the command: #* Press the {{Button|[[Image:Std_Open.svg|16px]] [[GuiCommand_model|Base ExampleCommandModel]]}} button. (''Editor note:'' This uses the [[Template:Button]] template, it is necessary to link to the command as shown in this example) #* Select the {{MenuCommand|Menu → Submenu → [[Image:Std_Open.svg|16px]] Menu text for the command}} option from the menu. (''Editor note:'' This uses the [[Template:MenuCommand]] template) #* Select the {{MenuCommand|Submenu → [[Image:Std_Open.svg|16px]] Menu text for the command}} option from the [[Tree_view|Tree view]] context menu or [[3D_view|3D view]] context menu. (''Editor note:'' This also uses the [[Template:MenuCommand]] template, not all commands can be accessed from a context menu) #* Use the keyboard shortcut {{KEY|F}} then {{KEY|C}} or {{KEY|Ctrl}}+{{KEY|Z}}. (''Editor note:'' This uses the [[Template:KEY]] template, not all commands have a keyboard shortcut) # Detailed steps as needed. Some steps may need {{KEY|Keyboard}} presses while others may require using the mouse to click on a {{Button|Button}}. # Set options and press {{Button|OK}}. == Options == * Optional. List the command options here. See for example [[Draft_Wire|Draft Wire]]. == Example == Optional. == Notes == * Optional. Use a bullet list if there are multiple items. You can also mention limitations here. == Properties == See also: [[Property_editor|Property editor]]. An object is usually derived from a base object. You should not list the properties that are inherited from that base object. See for example [[Draft_Wire#Properties|Draft Wire]]. === Data === {{TitleProperty|Property Group}} * {{PropertyData|Property Name 1|PropertyType}}: Description of the property. (''Editor note:'' to find the {{Value|PropertyType}} select {{MenuCommand|Show all}} in the context menu of the [[Property_editor|Property editor]]. The tooltip of each property will then include this information. But the {{Value|PropertyType}} can also be found in the source code.) === View === {{TitleProperty|Property Group}} * {{PropertyView|Property Name 2|PropertyType}}: Description of the property. == Scripting == See also: [https://freecad.github.io/SourceDoc/ Autogenerated API documentation] and [[FreeCAD_Scripting_Basics|FreeCAD Scripting Basics]]. The ExampleCommandModel tool can be used in [[Macros|macros]] and from the [[Python|Python]] console by using the following function: </translate> {{Code|code= Object = makeExampleCommandModel(Data1, Data2) }} <translate> * Creates an {{incode|Object}} using {{incode|Data1}} and {{incode|Data2}}. Example: </translate> {{Code|code= import FreeCAD, Base Model = Base.makeExampleCommandModel(FreeCAD.Data1, FreeCAD.Data2) }} <translate> == Other == Optional. {{Docnav |[[Base_PreviousCommand|PreviousCommand]] |[[Base_NextCommand|NextCommand]] |[[Workbench_Name|Workbench]] |IconL= <!--filename of icon with extension (e.g. svg, png)--> |IconR= <!--filename of icon with extension (e.g. svg, png)--> |IconC= <!--filename of icon with extension (e.g. svg, png)--> }} </translate> {{Workbench_Tools_navi{{#translation:}}}} <!--use the Tools navi belonging to the workbench --> {{Userdocnavi{{#translation:}}}}
Template:Workbench Tools navi/pl